The Give and Take  (@the_give_and_take) a visual association game on Instagram between me and rotating guests. I post an image, and my guest posts another in response. What results is a conversation through pictures that evolves organically into mini-exhibitions of sorts. The links between images are sometimes obvious, sometimes cleverly subtle. Sometimes literal, sometimes thematic or emotional. As someone who loves to play with pictures to see how they relate to one another, and how together they can take on new meaning, it's interesting to see how these meanings take different shape when two brains with deep visual databases and varying tastes collaborate.

In an age where we’re all bombarded with fleeting images, incessantly connected, but often starved for actual connection, this feed is an improvised yet lasting exchange between two people communicating through visual threads.  Rather than an endless stream of random images, this creative volley generates waves of associations that deliver an unexpected and dynamic dialogue, and a memorable and refreshingly diverse sequence of artwork results. Participating guests include Photo editors, creative directors, photographers, curators, artists, directors, writers and more.

My current guest playing is The Underground Museum Director Megan Steinman (@megsmegsmegs)  Please join us!